IM 101 anchoring point

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IM 101 anchoring point

Anchoring point for 1 person. The anchor point’s weight and the friction between the point and the surface are used for anchoring. more

Anchoring point for 1 person. The anchor point’s weight and the friction between the point and the surface are used for anchoring.

Fastening and anchoring devices

Anchoring point for 1 person. The anchor point’s weight and the friction between the point and the surface are used for anchoring.

It consists of 12 elements (rubber weights) and a main cross forming the connection point. Dimensions 155 cm × 155 cm.

EN 795 E

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Anchoring point for 1 person. The anchor point’s weight and the friction between the point and the surface are used for anchoring.

It consists of 12 elements (rubber weights) and a main cross forming the connection point. Dimensions 155 cm × 155 cm.

EN 795 E

NameProduct code
IM 101 (220 kg)XPIM101

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