Rescue, military and special forces

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High demands are placed when developing and manufacturing equipment for fire departments. It concerns personal safety equipment and static ropes.

Quality, accuracy and reliability are important. LANEX has been supplying equipment to fire brigades under the  TENDON brand for more than 15 years. TENDON products are developed and regularly tested in cooperation with world experts. Static ropes, which are an essential part of rescue operations, have a more durable braid and are stronger thanks to their unique construction and the latest technological modifications.

Thanks to the use of specially developed fibres, certain ropes can withstand open flames and temperatures of up to 400 °C. They are able to support a suspended person or load even if there is significant damage to the braid or core, without completely breaking the rope and the suspended person subsequently falling .

In addition to static ropes, the range of rescue equipment also includes accessories such as harnesses, fall arresters and rescue stretchers. For more products click here.


Here you will find an overview of products suitable for firefighters.

Advice and tips

Information needed to care for rope.

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