ENERGO FORCE rope is made of high-strenght textile material with a durable cover and special coating for outdoor work. With extreme strenght, it fully replaces the steel rope. It is flexible, adapts to bending and is much more lighter. ENERGO FORCE rope is perfect for installing electrical power lines.
The strong braid with its special treatment makes it resistant to environmental influences including abrasion and UV radiation, it does not absorb water and repels oil.
The surface treatment not only gives the rope an advantage over steel ropes, but also ensures up to 40% longer lifetime in comparison with other textile ropes. In addition, thanks to the colour combination and surface integrity achieved by the special treatment, damage to the braid can be identified with the naked eye and detected as soon as it occurs. Fortunately, even if damage goes undetected, the strands break gradually, and therefore a rope break will not cause a recoil that would endanger health or property.
Advantages of ENERGO FORCE:
- Does not conduct electricity
- Resistant to UV
- 30-40% longer service life compared to ordinary rope
- Does not absorb water
- Oil resistant
If you prefer textile rope to steel rope, you must thoroughly clean the surfaces of the drum or reel when winding it to prevent damaging the braid.
Rope is finished with 30 cm stiched eye.